ادامه تحصن در یکصد و چهلمین روز

هیچ کس حق ندارد به بهانه ی منتقد بودن, شهروندی را از “حق کار” محروم کند.
حضور گسترده ی فعالان سیاسی- مدنی و شهروندان از شهرهای مختلف در اعتراض بهرای شعبه ۲ دادگاه انتظامی وکلا که با فشار دادستانی تهران و وزارت اطلاعات رای به محرومیت ۳ ساله صادر کردند.
One hundred forty days on, the sit-in continues…
No one has the right to deprive a citizen from the “right to work” because that citizen has criticized the system.
A large number of civil and political activists, as well as other citizens from different cities in Iran, gathered in front of the Iranian Bar Association to protest the verdict issued by Branch 2 of the Lawyers’ Disciplinary Court, which under pressure from Tehran Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Information, has issued a three-year ban on my legal practice.